
1, 2, 3 John is unavailable, but you can change that!

Written during a time of church schism that has left Christians confused and questioning their status before God, the author of 1, 2, 3 John argues that the Christian life has two fundamental markers: Acceptance of Jesus Christ’s role in God’s plan of salvation, and the need to practice love in interactions with other believers. In his commentary, J. E. McDermond shows that that these two crucial...

The key grammatical questions are these: (1) to what does by this refer? (2) Does the verb peisomen mean assure or persuade? In my judgment, and by this in 3:19 is a thematic reference to 3:16–18, which is also continued in verses 23–24. In verse 19 John addresses a crucial question: How do we know we are from the truth or belong to God? In verses 16–18 he argues that practical expressions of love, first in Christ’s death and then in one’s economic sharing, are evidence of belonging to God. He takes
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